Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Living where this is even possible...

If I lived anywhere near where an ice storm like this is possible, i'd have to consider wrist slitting


Wanna said...

I don't know ... I wouldn't put much iciness past Chi-town.

Remember about 10 years ago when there was that "artic blast" and the weather was like negative 20 for a few days straight? It was so cold, folks were dying?

That White Chick said...

that is some fugged up ish! Could you imagine parking your car there in the morning and then coming back after work alll in a hurry to get home for dinner and see your car like that?????? OMG that is enough to wanna kill somebody!!!

Don said...

Man, that picture looks crazy insane.

Suite B said...

Please tell me where this pic was taken so that I can make sure I never go and visit. I thought Da Lou had bad ice storms, that is ridamndiclous

Leoninatl said...

See, this is why I've been fuckin around in da durty all these years. I'm pussy in the cold. It's 20-something degrees here in the A, and I'm going CRAZY.